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Exams are over and done with and the results are out
my results are average, so lets wait for the report book to come out.
Maybe the combined results would look prettier. Hmm.

Well, lifes' been awesome ever since fyes ended!
1) Lepak with awesome people
2)Wasting alot of time
3) Playing my guitar
4)Activities in school
5) Idk, five just makes this look complete ^^V

Today in school, we learned chinese opera.
I got my face painted pink, like omggggg heavy makeup!
Syafiq & Ezz had makeup too. haha, but their's looked like wrestler masks

[ I cannot reveal what happened after school B) ]


-My grandparents are coming here next week from holland
yeay, i miss them(:

-I feel velly lazy to blog nowdays :(

-I wanna go shopping with Shaf and love.

- I miss lotsa people.

-I cant wait for 2010!


(click to enlarge)

I love shaf. alot.
Chatting with matt is awesome too.
Finally, theres someone else who thinks practically too!



1. Ive got a brand new phone. yay.

2. I think history is repeating itself, I dont like history

3. I wish this history were chemistry

4. Final years are coming, fvck.

5. I feel like crap, tyvm

6.I miss you, bskm

7. October 1st will make my day <3

8.Why couldnt today be the 24th of august instead?

9. Thank god for friends!

10. Goodbye,xoxo

Elv Stofregen



I found that on the net.

" Hi, im batman!"
hahaha, so cool.

Anywho, I havent been updating much, as per norm.
But its like the exam period and i wanna do well.
My common test results were like okay?
lit/ss -b3

I think its alright, except for fucking math :(

FYEs starts in like 3 weeks time. Ahhhh, time to mug.



Its the nineteenth today!
I had an awesome 6hours (:
Breakfast to daytona to the beach<3

Well, i didnt expect to get anything, but i did get something(:
I love it love it love it love it!(:
k i cant stop smiling

Pause to ponder :
its sad how i cant type everything here due to some people . oh well.


Yesterday was pretty awesome,
I could actually do my maths test paper!
Its like a huge achievement for me man.
I mean cmon, whos gonna like use Trig for shopping in the future -.-

After school,
Trained home with Aqilah & Tee
qilah asked me to go jalan raya with them,
but i swear id feel damn bad collecting cash without fasting and all.
heh. Guilt kills.

When I got down the bus near home,
there was this cute& tall lower sec st pats guy
(lower sec- shorts)
and he tried to hit on me
I swear i felt like laughing cause he was trying to act all cool and stuff
I was trying to control my giggles, but seriously tak boleh tahan
So cuteeeee hahaha

& I got my self a suit already. YAY.
I cannooooot wait for the festival of lights.


My November holz are totally like packed?

1) STEP prog with school :(

2) 2 weeks internship with Mediacorp :D

3) The Yoreka! cam with Aqilah, Tee, Feroz & Hakim curly :D

yayayayayay! miss them like fuck sia.
Cant wait man, theyll bring gifts & goodies from Holland
Presents! WOO.

5) MY BIRTHDAY! ^^V ^^V ^^V

I think ive smiled too much today till my face hurts.

5 T H ! A R I V L E



yesterday was awesome!

Left home around four?
Met H at zee mrt station, trained to cityhall
We went straight to the esplanade
Checked out the powerhouse and the set at the arena
Headed to the library for a littleeee while
And then back to the arena

Met the rest at the arena while waiting for anberlin's set
So i practically met most of the familiar faces(:
It was awesome to like finally meet them all. haha
-Hugs, Hi-s and hello-s-

Then Bskm, Dinesh, Andrina and I went for a walk
Patrick and the ondeh-ondehs!hahaha (inside joke)
So we settled near the bridge side thingy
and somebody decided to splash water on me.
So i took revenge, which ended up getting my face wet -.-

Walked back to the arena, and anberlin was gonna play soon
It was reaaally reaallly crowded so we watched from the side
Anberlin played...
Breaking, paperthin hymm, A day late, the unwinding cable car
and some other songs.
The entire time i thought paperthin hymm was called paperlift.
hahaha, pai seh.
But anyway, the setting was perfect(:

Got cash from my parents to buy the tees & stuffs :D


Had the teacher's day celebration today
school was okay i guess
The concert was alright, aqilah danced, tee sang :D
Met Imran, Hanesh and a few other ex-tampinesians there.

After school i rushed off to meet bestie, azu & sat!
(The most awesome girlfriends ever)
Im really glad they're part of my life(:
Met them at tamp mrt station, we headed to pastamania for lunch
After the scrumptious lunch,
we headed to ntuc to buy drinks

Someone insisted on coke.
I dont know who.
That person needed the value pack.
2 bottles of 1.5 litres.
One whole bottle for herself.
*Points fingers at bestie*
I dont know how the hell she does it, but its as if shes a coke tank or sth.

Bought famous amos and we headed to sunplaza park.
We used the first empty cokebottle as a ball?
So it was like thrown and kicked around all over
and like, azu was chasing bestie all around with it.
damn funny man :D

We sat down, talked about our lives and whatsoever
then we split up at around 545?
oh, last long with Martin L yeah azu?(:
Hugged goodbye then bestie and i left.

I sent bff to tuition then walked home.

k, thats my day.


Daddy gave me my allowance.
I want an iTouch
Idk whether i should kill all my allowance on that
or buy stuff
or just save it?

But an itouch is so tempting. ahhh.

I have to get my camera fixed :(

F L I P P E D ! A R I V L E

It's the 25th, not the 20th FYI.


Ive been really fascinated by these beautiful creatures recently
I just realised that ive spent more than an hour looking at them.
Beautiful, i wish i were a butterfly.
Id fly everywhere with my beautiful coloured wings, hmm.

k, back to reality.

Ive been really booksy for the past two weeks.
Especially in biology.

We've been learning about the heart and its like really interesting.

The test's coming up on thursday, gotta mug!

I think its really weird that ive been all nerdy for the past few weeks?
Ive been studying,for fun.

I actually practiced maths. heh.
I got 24/25 for my geography WOOO! highest in class tyvm. hahaha
Thank god i dont have to snot the wasabi ^^V
Cause all the kids who failed have to snot itttt


Today was pretty normal,

-had a chem test which totally sucked donkey balls -.-

-The rest of school was as per normal.Boring.

-Shaf didnt come today :(

-Wiggling your ten fingers is equivalent to saying "Fuck you"
Feroz, Syafiq! hehe

-I loved meeting love cause i love love(:

Fast Foward:

After dinner, dad and i ate bananas
and we were competing and stuff,
soooo, while i was pretending to be all smart,
and he was pretending to be even smarterrrr,

he smushed his banana(fruit) HAHA, into my face!

so yes, my face was yellow and then i smushed mine into his arms

and it was food war. hahaha

mum was like so pissed off with us for making the place dirty.

But it was worth it(:

So Ive been planning out my study plans

Common tests are coming and i wanna ace them
especially chemistry. hmm.

Baybeats starts on Friday till Sunday

And anberlins' playing on sunday, yeay!

Anberlin anberlin anberlin

Updates when im free!

ps. this freaking thing doesnt wanna display caps words
so everything is bloody uncaps-ed -.-


I N F A R C T I O N - E D